“Low-Cost” Updates to Raise The Value Of Your Home Before You Sell!

Before you put your home on the market there are several things you can do to make it more appealing to buyers and even help you earn a little more on the sales price. I’ve listed seven of my favorites below.

This blog post is about seven low cost fixes to raise the value of your home before you sell.

1. Declutter.

I can’t stress this enough. Get the clutter out of your home. Clutter makes everything look shabby, dirty, and uncared for. Which erodes the value of your home and prevents potential buyers from really seeing your home. Decluttering can take time and be a big task to take on, I would recommend the book Decluttering At The Speed Of Life.

2. Deep Clean.

Deep cleaning is hard work, but very satisfying! If you don’t know how to clean, check out Go Clean Co on instagram. They will teach you how to clean and they even offer a cleaning hand book. It comes in super helpful when its time to deep clean your house.

3. Make sure your windows shine.

First, take all the screens out of your way and put them away. You’ll be surprised how much light a light blocks.

Second, clean your windows, inside and out. My favorite window cleaning products are Spray Way and paper towels or, for a more eco friendly experience, try Norwex Window Cleaning Cloths and hot water. Do NOT wash windows in the sunlight, the water will dry too fast and will leave the window looking streaky.

4. Make sure the paint is fresh and a light, bright, neutral color.

Lighter brighter spaces come across as larger, more inviting, and more open. And that’s the stuff that sells houses. I’ve written a blog post about selecting paint for a bathroom.

5. Clean the inside of your appliances.

Wiping out the inside of your appliances and wiping down the seals, gives potential buyers the feeling the home has been well cared for and maintained. I see it as another layer of building trust with my potential buyer.

6. Clean out your landscape and mulch.

There is nothing that gives a better impression before you even reach the house than neat, fresh landscaping. Cut back overgrown shrubs, trim low tree branches, and remove anything dead or dying. A layer of fresh mulch will finish out this project.

7. Make sure your entry doors are clean and open and close smoothly

Using a mixture of powdered tide, hot water, and bleach, wipe down the inside and outside of your entry doors. Shine the glass and the threshold. Give the hinges a drop or two of 3 in 1 oil to stop any squeaks. Adjust the hinges and strike plates if the door doesn’t close easily. Things like this work subconsciously on prospective buyers to infuse their experience with the notion of quality.